One Year Ago Today…

I started my blog! That’s right, it’s been an entire year since I first posted on Addlepates and Book Nerds. It feels like absolutely forever ago. Honestly, I’m amazed it lasted this long, and with only one hiatus on the way! Here are my 12 favourite blog memories (12 memories for 12 months, see?)

Excited Gif

  1. My first post. Oh, it was bad. Painfully bad. I reviewed Obsidian, and I didn’t even like it. Why start off with a negative review? And wow, did I make it clear I didn’t like it. Calm down, past Victoria…
  2. Reaching 100 followers. I didn’t think I’d ever get up to that many, and I’ve managed to more than double it since then. I was so happy when I found out, it was amazing
  3. Blogging 201. It made me feel a lot more confident with my blog, and it was good to be organsied
  4. Exploring My Bookshelves. This is my very own meme, and people have responded pretty enthusiastically to it! It’s so much fun getting to make up all my own challenges and questions for this
  5. Before I Fall review. This is when I actually decided on a good layout for my reviews, and it’s basically stayed that way ever since this review
  6. Top Ten Tuesday. I was doing something pretty similar on my own, then found out this existed. I miss some weeks, but this is one of my favourite memes, and I do it as often as possibletoptentuesday
  7. Liebster Award. I think this was the first one I was nominated for. I remember thinking it was an actual award, instead of just something random bloggers nominate each other for… But still, I love doing tags like that
  8. Discovering new books. If I review something, loads of the time someone will comment and say “this author’s other book is good” or “this book is pretty similar” etc etc. Then, I find a whole new group of books to fall in love with!
  9. January 13th. This was my best ever day for views, hooray!
  10. Starting a Twitter. This brought up my follower count a lot, and it’s fun to talk to people on there as well as over here (even if I’m not very good at checking my messages)Twitter
  11. Seeing how much I’ve improved. The difference between stats in 2014 and 2015 is insane! My blog has grown so so much, and I have the followers and comments to prove it
  12. YOU GUYS. You are all what makes it worth getting stressed about missing a post. People from all over the world actually like my blog, which is insane to think about. You were the ones liking and commenting and talking to me for all the other things I’ve posted about. In fact, a lot of the time it was you guys who made it happen. I love all of you to pieces, and you are what make me love blogging here so much

So, there’s my one year celebration post! Who knew I’d ever be writing that? It’s crazy to think about! Again, I love all of you SO MUCH, and thank you for making this happen! 

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