What makes the best “discussion” post?

Recently, I feel like I’ve really cracked it, with all the comments I’ve been getting on my posts. And I mean proper, well thought out, long comments, where I’ve sparked something in someone else’s head, and got them thinking and excited to talk about this thing. People are ready to talk to me, and I’m loving it! So do I have some secret I should be sharing with you? Or is it just luck?

The only thing I’m pretty sure I’ve changed is that I’ve started writing about things I’m more passionate about. Not like, overly excited about, but I can make intelligent points, and I have a lot of thoughts on whatever the topic is. And we all know that you only want to hear from people that care about what they’re talking about; I mean, why even blog if you don’t care about what you’re saying? You can tell when that sort of falseness is there. But I think everything I write is something that I’m interested in, and it always has been. So how does that make any sense?

Maybe the things I’m writing are a bit more controversial, or a bit more relatable. A lot of the comments are people going “SAME” and then sharing their thoughts. And my post on labels in sexuality is by far one of my most popular posts on my blog, people LOVE that I’ve talked about something a bit taboo. I think that’s why, anyway, because my other sexuality based posts haven’t done as well. I guess it’s that solidarity of knowing that you aren’t the only one with those weird thoughts. There are more of us! Especially if it’s controversial, it’s like we can band together, and it makes us feel less outcast. I think? I hope that made sense?

Or maybe I just have a bigger audience, and my numbers are going up according to that! I’m nearly at 800 now, which is insane, but it’s less insane when your numbers are going up and up and up continuously. I’m gaining one or two followers a day, minimum! People are really enjoying my blog at the moment, and I am LOVING it! But then, my likes aren’t going up in huge numbers, it’s just my comments. So that’s really not it… 

Listen, if I had a secret trick that I was using, of course I’d tell you! Unfortunately, I don’t. This post could be a complete flop, and my next one could be amazing, and I feel like I’m writing them in the same way. Who knows?

7 thoughts on “What makes the best “discussion” post?

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  1. I mean, I have to admit I’ve been reading and commenting on more blogs as part of a vague goal to be more active in the blogging community in 2017, so that’s partially why I’ve been around more often. 😊 But you also have good posts! I think it helps when you write about something you’re super passionate about, which is why I love that this blog has gone from being strictly a book blog to an… everything blog, for lack of a better term?! Every now and then I consider turning my blog into a book blog, but then I realize that I’d get bored if the only topic I was allowed to talk about was books because there’s SO much MORE I’m passionate about!

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    1. Good goal! 🙂 Yeah, I felt a bit stifled when I was just writing about books, you’re so right, it does get boring. I call it an everything blog as well, but surely there’s something better it can be called?? Thank you so much for the lovely comment!

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  2. I’ve been following you for a while – I think talking about personal posts makes people identify with better =) I’m loving your new phase, so I’m loving your new posts too! Even when you still talk about books, I feel you’re different for the better, Idk, haha!

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