October TBR

So, the last two months I have (somehow) managed to read 6 books. I'm aiming for the same again! I have a few books that are definites, which so far are: Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo. I've heard so many good things about this book, and I'm a bit of the way through already,... Continue Reading →

September wrap-up

September has really been a pretty quiet month for me. I sat down to write this, and has no idea what to even tell you. Things I did include: Worked very casual shifts, so hopefully it'll be full time soon?Also babysat a lotWent to therapyStarted getting my camping qualification for Girl Guiding And that's, like,... Continue Reading →

Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers

Climbing to the top of the social ladder is hard—falling from it is even harder.  Regina Afton used to be a member of the Fearsome Fivesome, an all-girl clique both feared and revered by the students at Hallowell High... until vicious rumors about her—and her best friend's boyfriend—start going around.  Now Regina's been frozen out,... Continue Reading →

The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker

In the male-dominated field of animation, Mel Vaught and Sharon Kisses are a dynamic duo, the friction of their differences driving them: Sharon, quietly ambitious but self-doubting; Mel, brash and unapologetic, always the life of the party. Best friends and artistic partners since the first week of college, where they bonded over their working-class roots... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday #2

This is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Check them out here if you’re interested in joining! This is a simple weekly catch up where we talk about what we’re reading. What are you currently reading? I've just started Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater. I bought this a while ago,... Continue Reading →

My 4 biggest book hangovers

This post is inspired by Drizzle and Hurricane Books. We've all had a book hangover. You know, those books that you put down and you just can't stop thinking about. Some of my biggest reading slumps have come on from these books, because how can anything else possibly compare? But of course I recommend them,... Continue Reading →

Folklore Book Tag

I found this tag from Becca @ Toastie Books, and since I've been listening to this album on repeat, I had to do it! *image also courtesty of Becca the 1: a book you grew out of I had a lot of series that I obsessed over as a child, that don't really hold up.... Continue Reading →

DNA of You and Me Review

Emily Apell arrives in Justin McKinnon’s renowned research lab with the single-minded goal of making a breakthrough discovery. But a colleague in the lab, Aeden Doherty, has been working on a similar topic, and his findings threaten to compete with her research. To Emily’s surprise, her rational mind is unsettled by Aeden, and when they... Continue Reading →

September TBR

I read 6 books in August, so I'm aiming for the same in September at least! If you want to see some of what I've read this year, check out my post here. So, what are my plans for September? These are the ones I definitely want to read: Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers.... Continue Reading →

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