Stacking the Shelves – Christmas Edition!

This is a meme hosted by Tygna’s Reviews where we talk about the books we’ve added to our shelves (real or virtual) in the last week. And yes, I am doing a Christmas edition, of all the books I got for Christmas!

Stacking the Shelves

I got a book I’d never heard of before – The Bookshop Book. I didn’t even know I wanted it until I was given it! It sounds so interesting, I can’t wait to read it.

Kindle Case
My Kindle case

By far my most exciting present was my Kindle! I didn’t want to give in to the e-books, real books just feel so much nicer. But the books are so much cheaper! I got a very stylish case too

So far I’ve got the Maze Runner trilogy off my mum’s one. Then I bought the Battle of the Labyrinth and Where She Went. And from competitions I’ve won, I sent myself Abduction to Akrasia, Dreams, Goddess, and The Arrival which I’m reading at the moment. I’ve been instructed to make the most out of the Christmas sales, so guess how I’ll be spending the next few days! Anyone else have Kindle tips for me?

I, unrelated to books, also got a very cool new phone (without a sim card, grr), some pretty notebooks, a diary, a calendar, and SO MUCH FOOD. My brother and I are fast going to become fat, especially since we’re on summer holidays so aren’t getting any exercise!

How were your Christmas’s? Anyone celebrate in a very unique way? Anyone get exactly what they wanted? Let me know!

7 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves – Christmas Edition!

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  1. That’s so cool that you got a Kindle! I still don’t have one, but I’m thinking about getting one soon.


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