Top Ten Tuesday (#4)

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish (let’s remember to link to them this time, oops!). They tell us what to write our top ten list for, and we do! This week…

Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year. Mostly I want new releases, but since (as far as I know) Santa can’t go forwards in time, this is what I’ve chosen. 


Click on the title to be taken to the Goodreads page! 

  1. Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan. I need the next book in this series ASAP. I just finished the 3rd book the other day, and I’m already dying!!!
  2. The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants by Ann Brashares. I’ve seen (and adored) the movie, which is so bad of me. I must read the book
  3. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. Anything written by her is amazing. I wouldn’t mind Landline either
  4. Where She Went by Gayle Forman. Another one part of a series that I need.
  5. Delirium by Lauren Oliver. This woman writes so well, and I’ve been meaning to read this for way too long
  6. Once We Were by Kat Zhang. Yeah, I never got around to finishing this series…
  7. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. This trilogy sounds SO GOOD, why oh why haven’t I read it yet?
  8. Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I’ve heard nothing but good reviews for this, and I’m starting to feel very left out!I Need It
  9. A Storm of Swords by George R.R Martin. I’ve just about caught up with the tv series, and I know the withdrawal is going to start hitting hard soon. So even though I haven’t read the second one yet (which I own), it’d be great to be prepared!
  10. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black. I’ve only just recently heard of this, but the reviews I read go on and on about how good it is. So yeah, I need it

And here’s where I make you jealous… For Christmas I’m (hopefully) getting a Kindle! So I plan to buy as many of these as I can afford, yay!

Send me a link to your own Top Ten Tuesdays, and I’ll have a look! And tell me if there’s something I’m missing off my list, or if you can’t believe I haven’t read that book yet (coughPercyJacksoncough). Let me know all your thoughts!

7 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday (#4)

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  1. Santa’s magical so he might be able to get future releases. I got the last two Percy Jackson books from used, they’re like $3 each free shipping. I read some of Mara Dyer when it was free thee other day on Pulseit, it starts really well. Cinder is a great book! Storm of Swords was my favorite of thee series and I’ve heard good things about Coldest Girl too! (I got it on sale for Kindle) I just got my Kindle last year and I LOVE it, I never thought I’d use it as much as I do. My advice, buy some of the sale books now, because once Christmas comes all the sales will go bye bye.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, I’ll have to have a look at that website! Yeah, unfortunately his magic powers didn’t let him go to the future 😦 I’ve been trying to resist buying too many books on my Kindle, I do want some money!!


  2. Great list! I have heard a lot about the Mara Dyer series as well and want to read it myself. Also, Holly Black’s books are getting a lot of amazing reviews so I need to read them as well. For Christmas I did get the first three books in the Lunar Chronicles which makes me happy! I have wanted to read them for so long. I also have read The Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants when I was younger and remember loving the whole series. I just need to see those movies now!


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