Daydreaming; A Guest Post From Carmen

What I love about…Daydreaming.


Hello, it’s Carmen here, and I do a book blog called My Comfy Reading Corner where I do book reviews among one or two other book/reading related things.

But today, I’m going to talk about something (one of the things) I love, but that I haven’t really been able to do lately:


Feeling rushed (both at work and at home), isn’t really a nice feeling, and leaves a person feeling drained.

I thrive on being passionate and excited about things. Sometimes I need to daydream to get ideas. But, I unfortunately need time to be able to daydream, not so? And with most of my time being spent at work, you can imagine what happens when I get home: I try to get my email read, try to catch up on reading (one of the things I do to relax), trying to make time for watching videos on youtube (another thing I do to relax) and going on social media. Other days, I’ll also include blogging/reviewing as well. Trying to do all that in a matter of a four hour period doesn’t always work (and still having to live life in-between). There are also days where I go out (usually on a Wednesday and sometimes on a Sunday when I’m not working). I will say that I have good days (where I get things done and feel like I accomplish something), and then there are days where I’m left feeling absolutely frustrated.

Some days the weather is so nice that I wish I was at home instead of having to work and get things done, letting the perfect moment for daydreaming pass right by me. I feel as if daydreaming can take me to another world.

Though there is one way where I let my mind wonder; and that’s when I’m reading. If the book is really good, I’m able to get absolutely lost in it, and live vivaciously through the characters, and daydream about things that I would love to do if I had more time.

But I do try to get closer to being able to daydream more and let my creative streak take over whenever the urge arises. And let me tell you, it’s going to take a lot of hard work to get there, but I’m hoping to get there…someday.




Yay, thanks for that post Carmen! If anybody else is interested in doing a guest post on my blog about whatever you love, please let me know. I’d love to do a swap with you! 

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