Exploring My Bookshelves (#8)

Exploring My Bookshelves is a weekly meme created over here at Addlepates and Book Nerds. For more info on how it works, have a look here

Exploring My Bookshelves

This week I want to know…

What characters do you wish you could bring to life?

I wanted to choose a million different people. But I realised I couldn’t. Not because it’s wrong to bend the rules (especially your own), but because having a million boyfriends just isn’t going to work. They’d all get so jealous, and most of them are quite likely to kill other people. So, I managed to narrow it down to just three:wpid-20150409_111522.jpg

Pip, from the Rosie Black Chronicles

So I chose him to be my book boyfriend. He’s so cute, and he has no baggage. Well, he did live on the streets, but he seemed to get over that pretty well

Skulduggery Pleasant from Skulduggery Pleasant (duh)

If all these characters are coming to life, I need a mentor. And who better than a talking skeleton?

Rose from Vampire Academy

I need a girl bestie to talk to properly. Guys aren’t good with feelings. But Rose could give me some sassy answer, and kick the butts of anyone that hurt me

That took me huge amounts of deliberation. It’s so hard to narrow it down! Who did you choose? Don’t forget to add your link!

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