Some self care that’s actually working

Ya girl is a mess (sources). And 2018 me is sick of it. Self care is becoming my #1 priority, and I'm trying out a whole load of things to see what happens. So, here's some stuff that's working (and some stuff that really isn't).  Meditation Okay, listen, I never thought that I was going to be... Continue Reading →

Body Confidence (or, a lack of)

"You've put on a lot of weight since I last saw you" "You just need to start exercising, what about jogging?"  "You can see your stomach in that, do you really want to wear it?" "How about this skirt? It's highwaisted, so it'll hide your stomach" "When I lost weight, that's when all the girls... Continue Reading →

Camping and self awareness

For four days in December, I went camping with a group of my high school friends. We did the same trip in late January last year, and boy oh boy was I full of reminiscing and self-reflecting. We all know this has been a year and a half for me, but I think I've focused... Continue Reading →

Depression; what DOESN’T work

Look, I don't want to get into a chat about my mental health, and how I'm low-key constantly falling apart. Let's just say that it's not fun, at all, and I'm not dealing with it properly (classic me). So, although I haven't really worked out what does help me yet, I do know I'm doing a... Continue Reading →

Take stock of the happiness

Everyone gets sad. It's inevitable, life won't always run smoothly for you. When you get sad, it feels (to be overly dramatic) like you've forgotten what happy feels like. It's so so important that you don't let it become overwhelming, though. So, bottle up all those happy moments you had beforehand, as impossible as that... Continue Reading →

Would you want to forget?

I recently finished More Happy Than Not, and for those of you who don't know, a big part of it is this idea of the procedure you can get that erases part of your memory. The first character we see who has it has forgotten he ever had a twin brother, because his brother was... Continue Reading →

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