Top Ten Tuesday (#13)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. They tell us what to write our top ten for, and we do! This week…


Top Ten Books For Readers Who Like To Cry

I know what you’re thinking. Why would you WANT to cry? But I strongly believe that when everything in your life is just bleh, and you’re fighting with your friend, and your favourite show was cancelled that week, and you have that big assessment you’re freaking out about, you need to cry. It gets out all the pain. So here are those (YA) books for when you need to let it all out.

  1. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I think I’ve already told you the story of the sobbing with rolls of toilet paper and trying not to wake up the kid. No? Okay, well, it was really sad. The saddest, in fact
  2. Sadie by Jane Elliot. Her life is so heartbreaking. Not in a “she died and I cried” way. It’s her actual life that tears me apart
  3. My Sister Jodie by Jacqueline Wilson. Yes, it’s a children’s book. That doesn’t make it any less painful to read! 
  4. Dolphin Crossing by Jill Paton Walsh. Another book I read as a kid. It’s about kids at the Dunkirk evacuation. Oh, it breaks my itty bitty heart! 
  5. My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Okay, confession time: I never read it. Or watched it. I cried so much in the first ten minutes of the movie, I had to leave. It’s probably too sad to go on this list. But try it… If you dareCrying in the Rain
  6. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. Another book about kids! I think everyone knows how this ends. Heartbreakingly, that’s how. 
  7. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Personally I wasn’t a huge fan of this book. So it’s impressive that it still made me cry. And yes, I even cried at the movie
  8. The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. It’s just SO SAD. And you know the death is coming, because he sees it happen with his time travelling skills. So you’re waiting for this moment through the book, and it still made me cry on the train
  9. If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Okay, this one didn’t make me personally cry. But I think I’m the only one, or one of very few. So if you have a soul, you might like this
  10. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. What, you have a problem with me liking kids books? Get over it. You didn’t cry at this? Meghan Trainor has something to say to you:

Special movie mention: My Girl. I guess kids just make me cry!

So, there are my top ten for the week. What did you choose for your topic? Do my books make you cry? Do you agree with my theory that crying is good sometimes? Let me know! 

17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday (#13)

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  1. Readers who like to cry… THAT’S ME!

    I read TFIOS and cried a bit, but it was the movie that made it hard for me to breathe because of all the tears!

    One of my close friends has been pushing me to watch My Sister’s Keeper for forever, but it doesn’t seem like my kind of story, so I don’t really have any plans to read or watch it. 😦

    I also read Bridge to Terabithia for school… and I did not cry. ._. What is wrong with me?!

    The Book Thief… I’ll get to it. Some day.

    Okay, I cried during the grandpa’s part in If I Stay, but the book as a whole was just a so-so read for me. Where She Went made me bawl my eyes out, though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Phew, I’m not insane!! How did you not cry?? His reaction was heartbreaking. I didn’t like If I Stay either, it was me staying up too late and getting over emotional 😛


  2. Aww, what a good topic! I remember reading If I Stay… Did you read the other Gayle Forman book, Where She Went? And I have yet to read My Sister’s Keeper, The Fault in Our Stars, and The Book Thief, but I need to!

    Liked by 1 person

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