Needs to be dumped (Exploring My Bookshelves #96)

Today, we’re talking about those books that you’ve kept, but you aren’t really sure why. We’re all book hoarders at heart, and this means we have piles all over the place of books that we really don’t need. 

The one I’m most mad at myself for is My Heart and Other Black Holes. Even as I was reading it I couldn’t stand it, and I don’t know why I carried on. What I really should have done is stopped reading about half way through, then got rid of it! Instead, it’s sitting there, taking up valuable shelf space that I could be using for new books that I’ll love. 

The tricky ones are the books I loved as a kid. Now that I’ve re-read some of them, I’ve realised how truly terrible they actually are. But can I get rid of them when I loved them so much as a kid? I’m starting a box for my future kids, but I think I’m going to have to get tougher on what stays and what goes! 

My Heart And Other Black Holes

Exploring My Bookshelves is a weekly meme created over here at Addlepates and Book Nerds, and co-hosted with Shannon @ For the Love of Words. For more info on how it works, have a look here

Exploring My Bookshelves 2016

7 thoughts on “Needs to be dumped (Exploring My Bookshelves #96)

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  1. I have several like this. I am one of those weird people that don’t like Nicholas Sparks books. I have had family members buy my his books and even though I read them I just never liked them and they are just sitting on my shelf taking up space.

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      1. I don’t know. It’s weird because on my kindle if I didn’t enjoy the book I get it off my device but with my physical books it’s hard to get rid of them. I even have a bunch of Danielle Steele of which I’ve never read but family bought a ton of her books for me at a garage sale. They are stacked in a corner of my guest bedroom.

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      2. Yeah, kindle books are a lot easier to get rid of! I currently have a pile of books I want to get rid of, but I actually haven’t acted on it yet… And there’s a couple of Danielle Steele books in my pile too!


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