Plot Twist! (Exploring My Bookshelves #89)

Exploring My Bookshelves is a weekly meme created over here at Addlepates and Book Nerds, and co-hosted with Shannon @ For the Love of Words. For more info on how it works, have a look here

Exploring My Bookshelves 2016

The Best Plot Twist

I know, I know, the numbering is weird. Turns out I made a drastic mis count, who knew? Apparently 50 doesn’t come right after 40!

Anyway, today we’re talking about that book that you wanted to throw across the room because WHAT HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY END LIKE THAT?!? I didn’t see that coming AT ALL!

One of my all time favourite books has that sort of plot twist, and I’m sure I’ve mentioned it a hundred times on here; it’s Gone Girl. Gone Girl is exceptional, and part of that is because I really had no idea what was going to happen until it happened. That’s the sign of a really amazing book in my opinion! Gone Girl

The second one is one we read for school this year, Atonement. Our teacher warned us that something surprising was going to happen, but I definitely didn’t guess what it actually was! Yes, we yelled at our teacher, as if it was her fault that the ending dramatically changed everything we just read. Atonement

And that’s what I think makes for a really good plot twist – it does change everything you just read. Finding out who the killer is might surprise you, but there was always going to be a killer. The book never lied to you about that! 

What are the best plot twists you’ve read? And what do you think made them so great?

19 thoughts on “Plot Twist! (Exploring My Bookshelves #89)

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  1. Fight Club! One of the best plot twists ever! But I can’t tell you why or I will spoil it lol. But it was a VERY unexpected twist, in my opinion. So shocking!!

    I’ve not read Atonement but I’d like to one day.

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      1. Read it first! Then watch the movie. I was actually talking about the books twist ending… it has been a very long time since I’ve watched the movie, so I don’t remember whether or not they keep the plot exactly the same. So definitely read the book first! ☺️

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      2. Before I read it, I had forgotten that it was a book first too. I just happened to be scrolling through Goodreads and came across it and was like, “Oh, yeah! I saw this movie a long time ago!” And there were so many good reviews on it and it’d been so long since I watched the movie… so I was like OK! And so I read it. Lol. ☺️ It’s actually quite short. And it’s very fast paced. With a fantastic ending. So I definitely think you should try it out sometime soon. You could probably knock it out within a day or two at the most and it’s absolutely worth it!

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      3. Fast paced books are always really great! Ugh, I’ve just checked and my library doesn’t have it, which is frustrating! Your enthusiasm has definitely made me want to read it soon!

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  2. I kind of saw the twist with Gone Girl pretty early, but still give it big props because it felt very original at the time 🙂 I need to read another book soon with a good twist! I have Fight Club here, but have seen the film so I may not be as shocked hehe 🙂

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    1. I haven’t read or watched Gone Girl yet. Though I do hope to someday in the near future. Hopefully. Lol. I did hear some bad things about the movie though… what did you think, Danielle? Book better than the movie when it comes to Gone Girl?

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